Poppy the Therapy Dog Visits the Operations Center
“Poppy, a therapy dog from Paws of CNY, visited the Operations Center on Wednesday, May 29, to retrieve a donation made by Laboratory Alliance employees. More than $200 was raised on a recent ‘Dollars for Denim’ day held at all of Laboratory Alliance’s locations, including the rapid response lab at Crouse Hospital. Several staff members from the lab and the nearby Corporate Offices came stopped by to say hello and Poppy was rewarded with a “Laboratory Alliance swag bag” of her own.
Poppy brought along her owner, Martina, who drives the eight-year-old lab mix to locations around Central New York, including hospitals, Hancock Airport and schools and colleges. The airport visits are part of Pet Syr which stands for “pets easing travelers.” Poppy’s calm gentle manner has an easing effect on everyone which is especially therapeutic for those facing stressful situations. For additional information on pet therapy, visit pawsofcny.org.” -Laboratory Alliance of New York
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