PAWS of CNY’s student de-stress season is in full swing. On Wednesday, November 18, PAWS of CNY volunteers attended a student de-stress event at LeMoyne College. The goal of the event was to provide LeMoyne students with an opportunity to receive some much deserved relaxation, and a break from the stresses of their studies. PAWS of CNY volunteer Pam Bender attended the event with her golden retriever, Quartz.
“Students where so happy to see all the…dogs, and took lots of pictures,” said Bender. “The phones immediately came out and [the students] all were snapping pictures and saying ‘oh how cute,’ and ‘you are so friendly,’ which, in reply, Quartz gladly wagged her tail!”
While any animal can offer love and warmth, PAWS of CNY’s certified therapy dogs are selected based on their naturally calm and engaging demeanors, and their exceptional behavioral skills. It takes confidence and trust in one’s handler for a dog to be comfortable in a new environment, meeting strangers and receiving attention. PAWS of CNY’s therapy dogs are trained not just to tolerate such circumstances, but to thrive in those moments by accepting and giving affection and comfort.
“Quartz is a natural with meeting people,” said Bender. “She loves to greet and get attention and to give it back. I knew this about her when she was pup.”
For more information on PAWS of CNY’s student de-stress programs, contact us today.