PAWS of CNY attended POMCO’s third annual employee wellness fair on Wednesday January 28. The purpose of the fair was to provide employees with information on a range of wellness topics, ranging from nutrition, to exercise, to heart health, to mental wellness. This year, three of PAWS of CNY’s therapy dog teams attended the event to help POMCO employees to de-stress and enhance their wellness knowledge.
The therapy dog teams included Tom O’Connell and Decoy the joyful golden retriever who greeted employees with playful hugs, Jack the mini labradoodle whose calming demeanor lulled employees into a relaxed state of serenity, and Cooper the great dane who amazed employees equally with his grand stature and his tranquil personality.
“Jack is always very laid back and gentle and always eager to greet and say hello to everyone regardless of where he goes,” said PAWS of CNY volunteer Carol Slagle. In addition to POMCO employees’ ability to realize the healing benefits of pet therapy from their expose to PAWS of CNY’s therapy dogs, the event provided an opportunity for more members of the Central New York community to consider their own pets as possible therapy dogs. When asked what question was asked most commonly throughout the event, Slagle replied that she was most commonly asked what training Jack required in order to become a therapy dog with PAWS of CNY.
PAWS of CNY outreach events are emotionally beneficial for all involved: from the employees who have the opportunity to benefit from pet therapy, to the therapy dogs who have the opportunity to love and be loved, to the PAWS of CNY volunteers themselves.
“I enjoy so much watching people react and interact with the dogs and the joy people demonstrate meeting them,” said Slagle. “To me it is so uplifting…It makes me so proud to to watch Jack… make a difference for people by giving [them] unconditional love.”
If you would like PAWS of CNY To attend your next wellness event, please contact us.